3D Research
Rende - Italy

3D Research

3D Research is a spin-off company of the University of Calabria that for 15 years has been bringing the results of technological and engineering research outside of academia to promote and enhance land and underwater cultural heritage.

Atlantis Consulting
Thessaloníki - Greece

Atlantis Consulting

Atlantis has been providing high-level consulting services for the last 30 years, with a continuous support for finance and market acceleration. The background of ATL in European works during the last years shows the overall aim towards the promotion and protection of culture, as well as the sustainable exploitation of the Cultural Heritage.

Bashkia Vlore
Vlora - Albania

Bashkia Vlore

Vlora is a coastal city and municipality in southern Albania. The Municipality of Vlora includes Karaburun Peninsula and Sazan Island. In this territory lies three important centres of maritime tourism, Vlora, Radhima and Orikumi. This area also includes the seaside park Sazan-Karaburun, which is the only one of its kind in Albania. Vlora Bay is known for its natural resources, rich biodiversity and ecological corridors.

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
Madrid - Spain

Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Científicas

As part of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Institut de Ciencies del Mar (ICM) is the largest marine research centre in the country. Located in Barcelona, the ICM is a multidisciplinary marine research centre, including research on marine physics, marine geosciences, marine biology, marine chemistry, fisheries management, and technological development. The ICM has a highly interdisciplinary character, with the ability to broadly address numerous questions and challenges related to marine sciences and technologies.

Divers Alert Network Europe

Divers Alert Network Europe Foundation

DAN is the European, Middle East, and nearly pan-African chapter of the Divers Alert Network, providing guidance and support in the matter of diving safety. DANEU is strongly research-based and such research largely derives from the contribution of data and samples from volunteer divers. DANEU can easily reach thousands of recreational and professional divers, including owners and managers of dive businesses. Given its role in operational diving safety, DANEU is also naturally working in close contact with technology, engineering, and IT.

I World
Palermo - Italy


International Association for the Safeguarding and Valorisation of the identities of Humanity
IWorld is an organisation based in Italy involved in the ideation, direction and implementation of international cooperation projects. Its main research area is ICT applied to social, cultural and sustainable development projects aimed at urban regeneration, enhancement of cultural heritage, art, sustainability and local development.

Sebastiano Tusa Foundation
Palermo - Italy

Sebastiano Tusa Foundation

FST is a foundation established in early 2022 that continues the legacy of prof. Sebastiano Tusa, a pioneer in underwater archaeology, to promote and support socio-cultural development projects focused on the preservation of underwater cultural heritage.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

ART4SEA Project  2025 | All rights reserved | Developed by 3D Research