Giacomo Rizzo


Sicilian artist, born in Palermo in 1977, Professor of Sculpture and Foundry at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo. He lives between Palermo, Cordoba, his poetics are configured as a continuous aesthetic and linguistic research through direct contact with nature and its territory which becomes for the artist a place of the soul. From the encounter with the natural space he draws strong sensations and suggestions which, together with a careful analysis of contemporary society, send clear and precise messages on the relationship between man and the environment through sculpture. His works and installations in relation to the territory and architecture are present in numerous public and private collections and in international museums. He has created many public works and monuments, among the most recent: 2023 Lima, Italian Cultural Institute of Lima, Peru; 2022 Chimpum Callao, Parque de exposicion, Mali Museum, Lima, Peru; 2020 Passages, at the Roman Museum and Theater of Lisboa. 2020 Where is your Nature? Museum of Mediterranean Textures, Orestiadi Foundation, Gibellina. Since 2018, three works have been exhibited in the departures area of the Falcone e Borsellino international airport in Palermo; 2016 Respiro, Regional Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Palermo (Palazzo Riso); 2016 Matermania, Villa Lysis Capri (NA), a work that received the prestigious Matronato Museo Madre and the Donnaregina Foundation for contemporary arts; 2015 Itaca, Monument to the IAMC CNR-UOS, Marine Biodiversity Observatory, Capo Granitola (TP); 2014 The Pat, United Nations Building, Unesco Heritage, New York, USA. Among the exhibitions, Giacomo Rizzo, 2022 In the land, Italian Cultural Institute of Lima, Peru. 2022 La vida como experiencia, anthological exhibition, Recinto Ferial “El Pilar”, Hinojosa del Duque, Cordoba (Spain). 2022 La ciudad por fuera, la ciudad por inside, Templo de el sol, Qorikancha, Cusco, Peru. 2020/21 Na palma de uma rocha, Italian Cultural Institute of Lisboa, Museu Teatro Romano, archaeological site of the Roman Theater, Lisboa, Portugal. 2019 Where is your nature? Mana Contemporary Museum, Jersey City, New Jersey USA 2019 Spirituality in Matter, United Nations Building (UN), New York.

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