Call for Artists-In-Residence

It’s time to participate!

ART4SEA launches an open call to select 24 international artists, who will embrace the goal of inspiring a change in humanity’s relationship with the ocean through their artworks.

The call opens on 10th August 2023 and closes on 10th November 2023.

ART4SEA is looking for:

  • 12 digital artists
  • 9 street/urban/guerrilla/ecological/graffiti/land artists
  • 3 artists producing underwater sculptures    

At the beginning of 2024, the 24 selected artists will be trained on ocean conservation, sustainable practices in art and digital technologies

Later in 2024, between May and October, three small islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Ustica in Italy, Alonissos in Greece, and Gozo in Malta, will host a 7 days residency program, where the artists (8 per island) will be inspired by the beautiful natural environments, the ancient maritime traditions and the direct relationships with local communities to create their born-digital and physical artworks.

In 2025, Ustica, Alonissos and Gozo will host exhibitions where the physical artworks will be integrated into the marine, natural and architectural landscapes, thus creating an open-air and underwater museum that will make the three islands a beacon for Ocean Conservation. 

The digital and digitised physical artworks will be also showcased in a virtual exhibition – accessible both on the web and the metaverse – that will be at first housed in the three islands and in the Vision Multimedia Center in Vlora, Albania.

The ART4SEA project will conclude with a grand event in Ustica, during which the old part of the island will be enlivened by performances staged with the participation of the local communities, and the artworks produced throughout the residency program will be projected, thus virtually including Alonissos and Gozo in the final event.

Are you up to meeting ART4SEA mission?

Find full details of the Call HERE 


  • Tania Borg
    Posted 29 September 2023 13:12 0Likes

    Thank you for the Information, could you please inform me how one applies? Thank you tania Borg kunsilliera san gwann

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ART4SEA Project  2025 | All rights reserved | Developed by 3D Research